Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Everyone is always calling me Martha, and do you want to know a secret? I really hate it!! I mean, oh sure, we do have a few things in common - we're both seriously OCD, we both love all things fabulous and domestic, we can both turn everyday household items into unique gifts, and we could probably both knit ourselves a house if we had too - but I'm hoping this is where the similarities end. I've always found Martha to be a pretentious, know-it-all, who relies on her staff of hundreds for "good things." Ok, maybe I'm a little jealous that she has an entire floor of her country home dedicated to crafting and creating, and that she even looked good in prison stripes, but secretly, or not so secretly, I want to punch her in the mouth.

Keeping this in mind, you will see that the recipes I will be including in this blog are as un-Martha as you can get. They will not call for impossible to find ingredients like, kinome, laver, durian, or quetsch. I'm pretty sure if you follow closely, you will find at a least a dozen recipes over the course of this blog that call for mushroom soup. (Did I just hear Martha hit the floor?)

So next time you call me Martha, please, please remember that I'm just like you!! I put my handmade, hand embroidered apron on, one string at a time.

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